Tuesday, June 1, 2010

weekend no. 052910

weekend 052910
I feel like this weekend was seven days long - in the I did a lot and got to hang out with a lot of the people I love sort of way. Minus Cute Husband, who was away at a bachelor party worthy of the big screen from the sound of the small bits of stories I got upon his return home last night. There was a farmer's market (with another 5am rising - I think it might be getting easier to accomplish this...might), there was some much-needed girl time love where we bonded on my couch before enjoying the goodness that Continental Divide has to offer, there was a wine tasting at Market Street Wine Shop (how did I not know that this tasting happens every single Friday night from 5-7:30?!), there was some shopping, a pizza and wine night, some walking around this beautiful town in the extreme temperatures, some SATC2 movie enjoying (2.5 hours long and the things I remember most are Carrie's green dress at the end - holy beautiful amazing-ness - and the preview for Going The Distance where I freaked out when I remembered that this movie preview that the entire theater had been laughing at and enjoying for the past five minutes, is the preview for the movie that my friend from college wrote! All by himself! This makes me so cool by association, right? Someone? Anyone?), and there was some book reading. Lots and lots of book reading. I finished The Art of Racing in the Rain in a day - it was so absolutely the sweetest book. And everyone here should note that I am not really what you'd call a dog-lover. I want to be, promise, it just doesn't come naturally to me. But this book make me smile and tear up and, well, as I said before it was absolutely the sweetest. You should read it. I also started Into Thin Air and it should also be noted that I'm not at all an adventure person. Don't even want to be one of those, but I am enjoying the book (it's gotten me through a few sessions with the elliptical machine already) and would like to finish it quickly so that Cute Husband can read it. It's one I think he'd like. So, wow, big deep breath later and I think that's the final account of my weekend. I know you were dying to find out.


  1. laurel -- what a great weekend you had! and i love your colleges you put together! (and yes, you are very cool for knowing a real-live-screenwriter.)

  2. thank you so much! and, yes, i do believe i felt a bit cool by associate in that movie theater :) just a tad.
