Monday, June 20, 2011

believe it: the hunger games

You guys...believe the hype. The Hunger Games is good, addictive reading. Not Twilight-seriously-I-can't-even-eat-until-I-finish-this-book-and-find-out-what's-going-on-good (you know you all are with me there, just admit it), but it was close to that good. Just go on and read it and love it so we can discuss before I read the next two and then maybe ruin the rest in our chats. Plus it's going to be a movie. And you should all read it before going to see the movie...because those are just the rules, right?


  1. Just this morning I said to myself, "Self, go buy all three Hunger Games books and set aside a weekend to do nothing but consume them."

  2. Lolly, are you done with it? Can I borrow the book from you or is there a line? :)

  3. I would totally lend it, but I got it on my Kindle :( That is the only drag about the sharing...

  4. I was with you until you compared it to Twilight and said Twilight was not only better but just plain good.. rethinking reading it now. :(

  5. Soooo you're not a Twilight fan? Ha - ah well, give The Hunger Games a chance :) Neither one is up for the Pulitzer Prize, I don't believe, so you can feel good about enjoying some good old entertaining reading is what I think!

  6. Natalie - You can be first in line to borrow my copies.

  7. Yes! Thanks Maggie. Let me know when they become available.

  8. i love twilight. this sounds smashing!
