Monday, August 22, 2011

ny gift booth

Oh hey there, sweet blog friends! Happy finally getting around to posting about my recent trade show booth design day. After a small scare with a missing box (that is still lost wandering somewhere out there) and a swift save-the-day overnight box of emergency catalogs and product move by Cute Husband, we were set up and ready to sell. It's funny, I've always been nervous about a box going missing. It's one of the many things on my treasured pre-show anxiety list (it's a long list) and then, you know, it happened...and it was totally fine. What a gentle reminder to throw those long lists away, huh? And to also order more catalogs and make more product than you think you need. And that it helps to know your way around NYC so you can run to the flower district for more display pieces and hop on over to the fashion district to pick up a few extra patterns. Helpful.

Anyway, back to booth stuff! Here are some photos by Marcy of the general look and feel of the booth. I decided this year to pin old sewing patterns on the walls. Why? Well, I'm not sure, really. I like the text and the small arrows and little detailed instructions on them and I thought the colors were so cool...that they would make a great textured background that was quiet enough not to overpower the actual products, but made enough of a statement to entice buyers to walk on in. Which is the point, right? So I guess that's why. What I wasn't expecting was to have so many people feel nostalgic once they saw the patterns. A lot of people took time in front of our booth to recall sweet memories of grandmothers or moms with those patterns all around. It was tender and I loved it - to give people a little joy after walking such a huge show was a treat for sure!


  1. Your displays are always so gorgeous! I hope you post more pictures soon.
