Wednesday, March 16, 2011

adventures in ski land

So, here's what I think about skiing: You think you love and trust your husband during normal life, right? Then, then my friends, then you let him guide you down an icy and snowy mountain that you'd be nervous to walk down with trusty hiking boots and you know that you really really really love and trust your husband. Know what I mean? Here's another thing I think about skiing: It was fun. Like, really really fun. And liberating. And taught me, Miss shakin' in my boots about all things adventure, that I actually can learn something new that's scary and exciting and, wait for it, I can actually be decent at it. I mean, it takes me a good five minutes longer to get down little hills than my more experienced Cute Husband and sweet friends, but that's okay. At least I made it down the hill, right? I also learned that, while not impossible to do, one doesn't fall off of the ski lift by just looking down. And what a relief that is. So, count me in on Team Ski for Life, friends. I surprised myself and everyone but my sweet mom (who remembers me jumping into pools when I didn't know how to swim - like, not even a little bit - before I knew what the words fear and worry meant) who knew I would have a blast.

These ah-mazing images were taken by my talented and cute husband.

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