Thursday, May 6, 2010

studio tour no. 050610

All I know about the laurel denise studio this week is that every single day when asked "how was your day," my reply has been "insane." But, sitting here this morning trying to recall exactly what I've been insane with, I can't really come up with much. Oh how I love when that happens. Busy, busy, busy work. Lots of adorable husbands calling and emailing this week to get their wives' a Mother's Day gift - so many rushed Elements pieces called for in these projects. A few graduation and Mother's Day wholesale orders sent out the door and more sample gathering for my sales rep teams. Hard to believe that the second wholesale show season of the year is only a few months away. Time to tuck that realization away in my brain for a few more weeks before my day becomes "insane" again when it's barely in the 8 o'clock am-s. Oh! Fun! I also got my copy of the wedding book Wedding Planning Made Easy that featured my cross-stitched reserved signs. I blushed and felt all giddy and happy inside and sort of wanted to dance around the kitchen when I got my copy. What an honor. Oh and double fun! I started sketching some new leather pendant ideas for the Texture collection - I'm so excited about these and hope to the highest hopes that I can get these done in time for that wholesale show season I just mentioned. Not likely, but I'll give it my a-game.